SEO: The 6 Fundamental Bases To Know For A Successful Referencing - Semalt Advice

The word SEO is no longer a mystery to any website owner. Nevertheless, the practice that is hidden behind this word remains a mysterious thing for many. Because it is a technical matter that has to do with the success of your online business.

In the following guide, you will learn more about what SEO is and why it is important for you and your business.

And you'll also benefit from Semalt's best advice on how to stay ahead of the competition over the long term with the most powerful SEO tools.

1. What is SEO?

SEO is an abbreviation for the English term "Search Engine Optimization".

When you do a Google search (or another search engine), you will come across a series of results that are determined by the words you have searched for. Here, Google's algorithm places the results based on what is most relevant based on the individual search.

SEO is a method that can help the many search results advance in the search engine with the hope of putting them among the top results. If you are among the top search results, you also get most of the traffic based on each search.

SEO is thus one of the tools in online marketing that can provide the absolute best return, most customers and which in the long run is cheapest to maintain. In other words, SEO is one of the forms of marketing that can provide the highest ROI.

How? Yes, it's all about time and will.

2. Do you want more customers through Google?

According to Advanced Web Ranking, the first position in Google's organic results gets an average of 35.4% of traffic on desktop and 32.43% on mobile. Then the traffic drops for each result while you go down.

Without the use of SEO, many pages on the web will rarely see the light of day in Google's search engine. The reason we use Google when we talk SEO is that Google alone accounts for more than 92% of the total search engine traffic on the web. Here, on average, 70-80% of the traffic goes to the organic search results.

Organic traffic means all the traffic that is not paid for. That way, SEO is directly organic online marketing, where it basically does not cost money. If you just know how to use the Internet's many options best.

So how does SEO work? There is no single unequivocal answer to this.

You can approach it in many different ways. It can be difficult to know what and how to do it. In the end, you can use a lot of unnecessary force on it if you move blindly. Therefore, in this post, we will make you wiser on the most important pillars behind effective SEO.

3. Not everyone knows about SEO

In a study done by Fractl in 2019, it turned out that 1 in 3 business owners were not familiar with SEO in practice.

This means that 1 in 3 (based on the survey) is currently missing out on potential growth, which only gets bigger as more and more people move online when they either have to seek new knowledge or buy a product...

Yet over 70% of respondents believe that SEO is either "moderate" or "very" important.

Let's make each other wiser on the fundamental pillars behind Google's search results.

4. The three pillars of SEO

If you want to appear in the top search results on Google, there are broadly three golden bars that will make you call - if you are better than your competitors here.

These are technical SEO, content, and linkbuilding.

Some also choose to set it up as a pyramid where keyword research is included. Here, however, we consider the keyword analysis (keyword analysis) as part of the content, as it involves the necessary analysis to be able to create targeted content for its target group at all.

Technical SEO (the foundation)

Technical SEO is the whole foundation of a website and the starting point for being able to be found on Google at all. It also goes under the category of 'on-page SEO'.

This covers everything from the page's structure and structure to the user experience (UX), where design, structured data, and page speed on both desktop and mobile must be top-notch.

The goal is ultimately to have a "Health Score" as close to 100% as possible, giving users the best possible experience. A good structure also makes it easier for Google to find your content.

Here, the content you want to rank should be no further than 3-4 links from the front page.


Content is based on disseminating its products in the best possible way through content on the site. It thus also goes under 'on-page SEO'.

Content involves everything from text to visual content that can be provided in the form of images, video, etc. Here, Google places more emphasis on interactive content than before.

If you make sure you deliver the content that best meets your search intent, then you have what it takes to win the top results on Google. One of the most important things here is that content complies with Google's rules on E-A-T. It stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness (expertise, authority, and credibility).

When we work with a keyword, it is about living up to exactly what the users are looking for (their intention behind the search). Therefore, we are working here to understand what Google's Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) looks like to understand what users want.

This is used to create unique content to meet search intent even better and gain as much space as possible in the SERP to increase CTR (Click Through Rate) and thus the organic traffic.

Content thereby causes you to rank on the search engine.

Linkbuilding / Digital PR (Search Engine Authority)

Link building is based on the idea of creating authority for a page, which is best done with links. Linkbuilding now belongs to the category 'off-page SEO'.

Here you have to consider a link as a virtual like (or recommendation if you will). The more likes you can get from relevant authorities on the web, the faster you rank (if technical SEO and content live up to users' requirements).

This is also why we call it "Linkbuilding / Digital PR", as it is about getting out on sites where there is also a direct PR value. Here, quality is more important than quantity.

There is both good and bad link building. Google is not happy if you try to cheat them with "fake" spam links, which in other words are paid links in a Private Blog Network ( PBN links).

5. How fast do I see results?

The obvious question, of course, is: "How fast can I rank on page 1?".

In the world of search engines, however, the obvious answer is "it depends on…".

Because there is a difference in the strength of the pages. The difference between a new page without links compared to an established website with links will also determine the average time it takes to rank at the top.

In an analysis conducted by Ahrefs, it takes an average of +2 years to reach page 1 of Google. In the study, a selection of 2 million keywords has been taken.

In fact, only 22% of search results are content created within the past year.

This is because Google first has to index content, and then there is work where link building in particular applies. However, if you work purposefully with SEO, the results can show up faster.

So with the right initiatives, it can easily succeed - and then you as a company have growth that works for you, the next long time.

6. Google algorithm updates

As we as humans are constantly evolving our needs and requirements for technology, search engines, including Google, obviously need to keep up. This means that we see updates from Google's algorithm several times a year.

The goal of each update is to give many users on Google even better answers to their searches - and to present search results in the best possible way.

Previously, Google's search results consisted primarily of classic organic search results (also called "web page listing" or "blue link listing").

Today, Google's Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) consist of significantly more information and results.

One of the really big updates over time came at the end of 2019, which went by the name BERT. An update that has made Google even wiser on how to understand searches. It all affects Google SERP and the results displayed.

By extension, over time, many updates have defined the Google we know today.

Our best advice

Well, before leaving you, it is important to give you the right frame of mind first. A state of mind that is also our best SEO advice.

See, here, it would be obvious to say that we should see SEO as a game and not as a job. But we won't defend it now anyway. Because it's not always true.

However, here you get the most important mindset that gives you the best starting point when you get into SEO.

The most important thing in SEO is research intention.

The search intention of the users, that is, the intention behind each search is the first rule to follow. If you don't answer exactly what the users are looking for, everything else won't matter. Because you don't rank, in short.

Here we are at the end of our journey and I hope this article is useful for the smooth running of your website's SEO.

Because if you have total control over these 6 fundamental factors, you will have no worries with your positioning. 

However, it may happen that you may not be able to get these basics right since the field of referencing concerns the purely technical side of the site. So this should not be taken lightly because SEO has a great impact on organic traffic.    

Here is the best thing to do!

To avoid risking the life of your blog, it would be better to entrust it to a qualified SEO agency like Semalt.

Because here at Semalt, where we work, we make sure that your company's blogs are at the top of the rankings in the search engines. Because we are qualified SEO experts. We provide the highest quality SEO services available to help you get good results in a very short period of time. Furthermore, we have analysis tools that will work as well as you want.

I would like to invite you to take a brief look at a brief overview of these various tools:
Follow each of these links to find out in detail how the services will help you.

If you have any further questions concerning an SEO service, do not hesitate to contact us for complete satisfaction.